Helping Today. Helping Tommorow


Helping Today. Helping Tommorow

Giving Life
To Dying Trees

Helping Today. Helping Tommorow

Support an Orphanage
Provide Meals or Variety of Foods

Welcome to Dhana Sundarambal Charitable Society

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and donate them


Feed Packed Food

Donate a Food for Homeless People and Childrens

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Give a Grocery Kit

Our team is giving grocery kits to the hunger spots which we have identified Area

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Plant trees your birthday

Help us Protect the mother earth by planting native tree saplings

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Sponsor a Birthday Cake on your Birthday

Celebrate your Birthday with 20 food for homeless childrens + 1 Cake

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Save Tree

Save a dying tree on the streets in Summer

Help us support by joining hands with us. Donate Now


₹3,670 Raised

₹10,000 Goal

Preservation of trees in projects

  • Tree ambulance - shifting of old trees to new places

  • Replanting tradional trees that have been cut down and thrown away on the street bringing them back to life

  • So far, we have rescued 400 + tress i.e banyan tree, Royal tree, Mango tree and neem tree

  • If you want planting to cut down a old tree just contact just we will take care of it and replace it in a new place

  • If you are cutting down trees for construction works, please let us know we will replace it alive

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  • Orphanages are the most cost-effective way to care for a large number of children while also providing oversight and accountability for their care, they will continue to be used to address child homelessness until quality foster care, reunification programs, and measures to lessen the effects of poverty exist in a given community.

    1. Educate them by giving them some courses.
    2. Give away your children’s old toys.
    3. Organize some fun events for them.
    4. Buy them some gifts at special events (Eid, birthday, etc.)

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better life and future


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